When: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 | 09:00 AM to Thursday, 19 September 2024 | 05:00 PM

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Strong Women, Strong Community, Leading the Way

Waminda Conference

17 - 19 Sep


Running time

Three days

Ticket Price

$185 - $1295

Waminda Conference at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre

Ticketing and registration for this event is only available via https://waminda.org.au
For any queries relating to this event, please contact: events@33creative.com.au.

Bulwul megaylaali Yullanga ya nyaang
Gadhu, Warra ba banggli Ngurra
Dyindyinda, Ngabudyaang Mirriral

Strong Women, welcome you all to Ocean, Mountain and River Country
Women’s Ceremony, my Grandmother Creator.

Waminda South Coast Women’s Health and Wellbeing Aboriginal Corporation is proudly inviting you to celebrate 40 years of Aboriginal Women in Leadership hosting the “Strong Women, Strong Community, Leading the Way” conference in Nowra, NSW. Waminda grew from a vision and need Community Women saw, to create safe spaces for Aboriginal Women’s health and wellbeing on the South Coast. Since its first inception as Jilimi in 1984 and through its transition into Waminda one thing has held true - the privileging of Aboriginal women’s voices and the leadership of strong, staunch and nurturing Community women. This has led to the incredible milestone of Waminda’s operation in community for 40 years.

During the conference the Waminda Executive Leadership team, Keynote Speakers, Waminda Program Managers and Coordinators, along with community leaders in the Aboriginal women’s health and wellbeing space will take you on a journey of looking back to celebrate how far Waminda has come; whilst giving insight into the now and inspiring what is emerging in Aboriginal women’s leadership, health, and wellbeing. 

We look forward to welcoming you into these spaces and yarns throughout the “Strong Women, Strong Community, Leading the Way” Conference coming this September 2024.